Smiling; it’s hard to believe that something so fun can result in something not-so-fun like smile lines (aka laugh lines), marionette lines and down-turned mouths. After years of repetitive use, the muscles responsible for all of those big, cheesy grins and laugh-out-loud moments sadly results in deep lines and wrinkles that run from the sides of our nose to the corners of our mouth (smile lines) or from the corners of the mouth down to  the chin (marionette lines).

But there’s no need to stop smiling, because there are some simple, non-surgical solutions available for treating these unwelcome facial folds!


What causes smile lines and marionette lines?

There are always a number of factors to the occurrence and depth of lines and wrinkles. A few contributors to lower-face lines include sun exposure, smoking, dynamic facial movement and even your sleeping position.

However in most cases, smiles lines and marionette lines are caused by the natural process of ageing that occurs in the mid-face. When we are young, our malar fat pad (the plump tissue in our cheeks) sits along the cheekbone just under the eyes. As we age, gravity causes this fat pad to slide south and, combined with natural muscle shrinkage and loss of elasticity in the skin, become more pronounced.

Deep nasolabial and labiomandibular folds are often accompanied by a drooping mouth and combined, the two can often present the impression of a sad, tired face.


How to treat marionette lines

The latest treatment technique to combat deep marionette lines and down-turned mouths is called Happy Face. The result is literally a happier face! The Happy Face technique uses dermal filler to smooth the lower face, reduce the depth of marionette lines and provide lift to the corners of the mouth and works by targeting these two key areas.

Firstly, a registered nurse injector will use dermal filler to turn the corners of the mouth slightly upwards and secondly, create smoothness and uniformity in the marionette lined by adding volume via a canular evenly to both sides. The Happy Face treatment is quick, safe and best of all, the results are instant!


happy face cosmetic Injection before and after


How to treat smile lines

Back in the days when dermal fillers were new, we used to fill nasolabial folds (that run from the sides of your nose down to the corners of the mouth). Nowadays, we have better, more natural-looking and longer lasting techniques to put the facial volume back into your cheeks where it should be. This “lifts” the facial skin and gently eases out those nasolabial folds giving an overall rejuvenation.


smile lines before after


This is a great treatment if people are constantly asking you “what’s wrong” or “are you ok?”. It can make you look like your happy self again and help change not only people’s perception of you but the way they interact with you. Now that’ll put a smile on your face!

To secure your complimentary consultation with one of our registered nurses, or book online.