Now that holidays are over, it’s time for a little TLC.

We know you love your kids the appropriate amount, so it doesn’t make you a bad parent if you let out a little (or giant) sigh of relief now that school is back in session! You’ve spent heaps of quality time with the family over the summer and now it’s time to focus on YOU (at least until the 3pm pick up!).

Stuck for ideas how to indulge all your new-found free time? Here are six things to do once the kids go back to school…

Drink a whole cup of hot coffee

No interruptions. No echoes of “MUUUUUUUUUUM” or “DAAAAAAAAAAAAD” coming from down the hall. Boil yourself some water and make a nice hot cup of tea or coffee. Sit down and enjoy it all in one sitting – while it’s still hot!

Have an adult conversation

Have an adult conversation with your wife, hubby or even the telemarketer – who cares! It will just be nice to be addressed by your first name again.

Enjoy a microdermabrasion

Right now is the perfect time to pamper yourself with a refreshing, revitalising microdermabrasion from Australian Skin Clinics. The treatment effectively targets your skin’s natural rejuvenation process and will have you looking (and feeling) like a whole new you! Check out our current microdermabrasion promotion and get your “me-time” locked in.

Watch the news

Or a trashy daytime TV show – we’re not judging you. Without the kids to fight over the remote control, the digital world is your oyster! Sit back, relax and watch something other than Frozen (for the 100-millionth time)!

Go out for a long lunch

Oh, the joys of a long lunch with your friends… sans children! If you’re lucky, maybe there’s enough time for a spot of shopping afterward. Or you could pop into your local Australian Skin Clinics for that laser hair removal touch-up you desperately need.

Go to the toilet in peace

Last but certainly not least, enjoy going to the bathroom in peace. Light a candle, take a magazine, whatever tickles your fancy. Remember, after making it through the school holidays – you deserve it!