Are you tired of battling stubborn fat pockets that won’t budge, no matter what you eat or how much you exercise? If so, CoolSculpting® might be the solution you’ve been searching for. As the world’s leading fat freezing technology, CoolSculpting® offers a safe, effective, and permanent way to sculpt your body and achieve the contours you desire. Let’s break down what your journey at Australian Skin Clinics might look like.

The consultation

Your journey begins with a personalised consultation at one of our clinics. During this complimentary 30-minute session, our friendly and knowledgeable body therapist will discuss different aspects of your lifestyle, medical history, concerns, and goals.

We’ll also provide a complete overview of the CoolSculpting® process, including pre- and post-care instructions and any potential risks involved.

To accurately assess your needs, our technician will take a series of photos and mark your body using specific templates. This allows us to tailor a treatment plan and provide an accurate quote.

As multiple cycles in one area are often necessary, treatments may not be able to be completed on the same day as the consultation.

Once all your questions are answered, and you feel ready to continue your body journey, we’ll schedule your treatment at a time that suits you.

During your treatment

When it’s time for your CoolSculpting session, our experienced technicians will use the innovative CoolSculpting® applicator to target and freeze fat cells in the designated area. Controlled cooling is applied to lower the temperature of the fat cells, causing them to become damaged.

During the treatment, you may experience sensations such as pulling, tugging or light tingling/pinching. It’s normal to feel an intense cold initially, followed by numbness to the area.

As each cycle can last between 35-75 minutes, we recommend bringing water, snacks, and entertainment to keep you comfortable during your session.

Immediately after your treatment

Once the applicator has been removed, your technician will massage the treated area to facilitate the breakdown of frozen fat cells. This massage helps prepare the cells for elimination by the body’s lymphatic system.

In the hours following the treatment, you may experience temporary side effects such as numbness, redness, swelling, bruising, or tingling.

However, CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime, allowing most clients to resume their daily activities immediately

The recovery

In the days following your CoolSculpting® session, it’s normal to experience tenderness, swelling and bruising. You may also experience a temporary loss of sensation, but this will resolve over the weeks to come.

By the two-week mark, any swelling, bruising or discomfort should have subsided, although some numbness may persist.

At six weeks post treatment, you should begin to see noticeable results, with full results typically visible around the 12-week mark. Your technician will schedule you in for a review session to access the before and after photos.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards the new you, book a free consultation at one of our Body clinics.

Please note: CoolSculpting® is only available at select Australian Skin Clinics.