Broken capillaries and blood vessels, often referred to as spider veins, are something that generally increase in appearance as we age. They can commonly be found on the face and chest and can be caused by genetics, internal and external factors. Luckily, laser offers a quick and easy solution – and it only takes five minutes!

How we treat spider veins

At Australian Skin Clinics, our Yag Laser can help dissipate these troublesome blemishes within just two to three short treatments. When the laser light passes down through the skin, it targets the blood vessels and coagulates them making them irreparable. With the vessel being beyond repair, the body breaks them down and disperses them throughout the lymphatic system. This can take up to two weeks for this process to happen.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]Maintaining your post-treatment glow

After your treatment, there are a number of thing you can do to ensure you get the best results. Most importantly, always wear an SPF 50+ to prevent further damage from the suns UVA and UVB rays which can induce premature ageing and skin damage.

Twice daily, we recommend the application of Balense Rapid C to assist with collagen and elastin production, and to improve skin tone and texture. Vitamin C is a strong anti-oxidant and has been well documented for its effectiveness against free radical scavengers.

At night, application of Balense Intensive Retinol will promote cell renewal and increase collagen and elastin production, making skin appear smoother and with a more even skin tone. Retinol promotes natural cell renewal for a smoother, brighter more youthful appearance and is the perfect to add to your anti-ageing strategy. With the daily use of Vitamin C and Retinol your skin and capillary walls will strengthen, thus helping to prevent further vascular damage in the future.

Is this treatment right for me?

A consultation is always performed prior to treatment to make sure this treatment is the right option for you. We will explain the treatment to you and how it works and you can also ask any questions about the treatment. Your laser technician will discuss pre- and post-care and explain how to get the most longevity out of your treatment, too.

If you’re ready to get started, book a free consultation at your local Australian Skin Clinics today!