Your 20s are some of the best years of your life, you’ll make memories to last a lifetime and friends who will see you through thick and thin. The twenties are also the years that count when it comes to your skincare. Start early and you’ll have flawless, glowing skin well in to your thirties and forties. Leave it until too late and, well, we don’t want to think about it. Here’s our list of the must do’s for skincare in your twenties.

Perfect your daily routine

Master a daily skincare routine suited to your skin’s needs early in your twenties and trust us, your skin will thank you later in life. Speak with a trained dermal technician to find out your skin type and ensure the products you use are suited to your skin.

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Don’t be fooled by the expensive 10+ steps that are the skincare du jour in the beauty pages, a simple routine focusing on the basics of cleansing, boosting, hydrating and UV protection provides all the nourishment and support your skin needs. Balense is an affordable skincare range that will simultaneously combat the visible signs of ageing, pigmentation and acne using a mix of clinically proven cleansers, exfoliators, serums, moisturisers and sun protection products.

Maintain with microdermabrasion

There’s only so much your daily routine can deliver when it comes to skin, it’s the first step of many to ensure that flawless look and feel. As you grow older your skin will start to crave a deeper cleanse, exfoliation and hydration to break through the upper layers and rejuvenate your skin.

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A microdermabrasion is an excellent maintenance treatment that gently removes dead surface skin, unclogs pores and leaves skin clean, clear, bright and purified. Effectively targeting the skin’s natural rejuvenation process, microdermabrasions can treat premature signs of aging caused by sun exposure, dry skin, acne, blemish scars and fine lines.

Get a head start on hair removal

We all know how maddening it can be to upkeep that silky smooth feel and forgetting to shave before a big date or beach escape is the worst. Laser hair removal will solve all those problems, ensuring you’ll be hair-free and care free at all times.

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Treatments are safe, fast, effective and affordable, and can be tailored to a range of body parts; including underarms, legs, face, bikini, chest, stomach and back. Australian Skin Clinics qualified technicians use medical-grade equipment to ensure a safe, comfortable treatment and can target most hair colours and any skin tone to give you that luxurious silky smooth feel.

Want to get started on mastering your skincare habits in your twenties? Visit your local Australian Skin Clinics for a complimentary consultation today!